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  • 发布时间 : 2022-11-4 11:55:02
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(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.


(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.

  • 发布时间 : 2022-11-4 11:55:02
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       将多元醇、填料等加人500 mL四口烧瓶中,加热至120 0C减压脱水处理3h,降温至50 - 70℃,加人一定量的消泡剂、防沉降剂等助剂,提高搅拌速度,混合均匀。即可制得MS密封胶的A组分。按B值计算得A组分完全固化所需要的异氰酸醋(B组分)的质量,将称量所得的B组分加人至A组分中,搅拌使其混合均匀,即可使用。

       拉伸剪切强度测试按GB /T 7124-2008的方法进行。

       粘接强度测试:将镀锌板制成75 mmX25 mm规格,均匀涂胶,贴合加压,经过24 h后按GB /T 7124-2008测试拉伸剪切强度。

       由表1可知,三元醇对镀锌板的粘接强度强于二元醇,这是因为三元醇制备的MS密封胶,其结构更加紧密,内聚力更强。改性蓖麻油多元醇对镀锌板的粘接强度强于聚醚多元醇,这是因为醋键所形成的内聚力强于醚键,而且改性蓖麻油多元醇属于芳香族,含苯环,比脂肪族聚醋多元醇的内聚强度更大。Sovermol . 860对镀锌板的粘接强度最好,这是因为其含环氧基(0. 3%一1. 4%),环氧基的存在即可提高MS密封胶的极性,使其在金属表面具有良好的润湿性,而且可以提高聚氨酯的内聚力,从而提高聚氨酯胶赫剂对镀锌板粘接强度。

       结果分析:由图1可知,在轻基值(45 - 210 mgKOH/g)范围内,MS密封胶对镀锌板的粘接强度随着轻基值的增大而增强。这是因为随着轻基值增大,所需要的异氰酸醋用量就越多,聚氨醋结构中所含的硬段就越大,极性基团含量越多,分子间作用力增强,即提高了聚氨酯在镀锌板表面的润湿性能,又增加了聚氨酯本身的内聚力,故对镀锌板的粘接强度就越强。www.sdyuantai.com

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