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  • 发布时间 : 2024-5-9 12:13:29
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(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.


(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.

  • 发布时间 : 2024-5-9 12:13:29
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       (1)1995年11一12月间,在东风公司总装厂以ZG一96胶预涂了E1fl92F车制动管路系统分装阀螺纹接头13种3648件,装车45#i辆份,现场试气发现漏气点14个,统计泄漏率为0. 3%。与原采用不干性MS密封胶时4%的泄漏率相比、采用ZG一%预涂胶使制动系统密封性大为提高。


       (3)1996年11月东风公司柴油发动机厂以ZG -96胶预涂康明斯发动机横油道螺堵、进气管盖螺塞、水温传感器接头等9种零件计260只,装机1o辆份,并相继进行了装配线试漏试验6分钟台架实验及2so小时台架强化试验。结果表明所用预涂件密封件可靠。在此基础上,该厂顺利完成了10110辆份发动机批量试用。

       (4)199$年,东风紧固件有限公司先后对zG一%MS密封胶进行了涂布工艺试验及密封性试验,在确认其成膜均匀性及耐压密封性与Yibra一Sea1516胶相当的基础上,该公司以ZG一%胶替代Yibra -Sea151C胶预涂E153车制动电子阀、排气制动阀、发动机打气泵接头并在总装厂装车to辆份,取得了较好效果。http://www.sdyuantai.com/

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