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  • 发布时间 : 2024-4-16 17:26:18
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(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.


(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.

  • 发布时间 : 2024-4-16 17:26:18
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       常规的环氧树脂是易燃材料,其氧指数平均值只有19. 8%左右,并且离火后持续自燃,且激烈燃烧时产生大量黑烟。国内建筑工程的防火封堵材料,主要是通过添加卤素阻燃剂来获得优良的阻燃性。虽然卤素材料具有良好的阻燃效果,但是当火灾发生时会释放大量的烟雾和氯化氢气体,这些烟雾和氯化氢气体会强烈的刺激人眼和呼吸系统,阻碍消防人员和救援人员的灭火和抢救工作,开发无卤阻燃剂已成为国内阻燃材料领域的发展趋势。并且单一阻燃剂的特性不能满足材料的阻燃、抑烟和隔热要求,复合阻燃体系兼有多重阻燃剂的特性,研究不同阻燃剂的复合协同作用为国内阻燃材料领域的热点。

       本文研发的阻燃硅烷改性聚氨酯密封胶采用了无机、有机双核协效膨胀阻燃体系,不仅保持了环氧树脂胶勃剂优良的物理力学性能和高强的勃结性能,还具有优异的阻燃抑烟性能。有机阻燃体系以三聚氰胺多聚磷酸盐( MPP )季戊四醇(PER)组合为基材,这是一组氮磷类膨胀型有机阻燃剂,是碳源(成碳)、酸源(脱水剂)和气源(发泡剂)的综合载体,MPP在环氧树脂体系中阻燃机理可以分为凝聚相的阻燃作用和蒸汽相的阻燃作用。凝聚相阻燃机理因为体系在遇热分解过程中,MPP发生如下变化:聚磷酸盐磷酸偏磷酸聚偏磷酸,而聚偏磷酸是不易挥发的稳定化合物,是强脱水剂,促使三聚氰胺和PRE迅速膨胀、脱水碳化,进而形成致密碳层覆盖于烧面,这种致密的单质碳保护层和膨胀层使基质与热和氧隔绝开来,起到阻燃作用。蒸气相阻燃机理因为MPP是一种自由基捕捉剂,在聚合物燃烧时产生可以捕捉蒸气相中H游离基和OH游离基的活性自由基,从而起到抑制火焰的作用。另外,MPP在阻燃过程中可以产生水分和惰性气体,一方面可以降低凝聚相的温度,另一方面可以稀释蒸气相中可燃物的浓度,从而更好的起到阻燃作用。http://www.sdyuantai.com/

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