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  • 发布时间 : 2023-12-4 11:05:39
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(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.


(Summary description)Customized SILICONE STRUCTURAL SEALANT from China manufacturer refers to the adhesive with high strength, can bear large load, aging resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance, and has stable performance within the expected life. It is suitable for bearing the bonding of strong structural parts. Non structural adhesive has low strength and poor durability. It can only be used for bonding, sealing and fixing of ordinary and temporary properties, and cannot be used for structural adhesive bonding. NEUTRAL SILICONE WETHERPROOF SEALANT from China manufacturer is a structural adhesive with waterproof function. Silicone glue refers to the adhesive based on silicone rubber. According to different functions, it can be divided into structural adhesive, potting adhesive, sealant, thermal conductive adhesive, flame retardant adhesive and so on.

  • 发布时间 : 2023-12-4 11:05:39
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       我国正处于房屋建筑的高峰期,既有建筑面积为400亿平方米,预测未来15年还将建成房屋200亿平方米,其中城镇建筑的增长速度将为每年约10亿平方米,而且商业、办公、科教文卫及机场车站等公共建筑建成量的比例为30%-40%。建筑幕墙主要在公共建筑中,目前的年竣工面积约有800万平方米,占世界同期竣工面积的2/3 0我国已成为幕墙生产和硅酮胶使用量最大的国家。如此广阔的建筑市场为丁基防水嵌缝密封胶提供了发展空间,据有关的发展规划预计,到2015年我国建筑丁基防水嵌缝密封胶的总销量将达到18万吨,其中丁基防水嵌缝密封胶占有较大比重。所以,尽管近年来有机硅原料单价成倍上扬,至今仍保持在较高价位,但并没有影响丁基防水嵌缝密封胶的市场总量,而且仍保持着原有的增长势头。从业内主要厂家的产销增长量推算,当前我国丁基防水嵌缝密封胶的产量已保持在10万吨以上。从以下具体需求分析,可见今后丁基防水嵌缝密封胶的良好市场前景。www.sdyuantai.com

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